版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Keep track of your workouts when running Hirvi's bench-press program. The program is named after former IPF bench-press world champion Marcus Hirvonen.
The program is running for 8 weeks with two workouts per week. The first day of the first week yoo do 8x8 @ 70% of 1RM. the first day of the second week you do 7x7 @ 75% and so on until you reach 1x1 @ 105% on week 8, The second day of the every week you do 8 singles @ 90% of 1RM.
The app keeps track of your workouts (sets, reps, weight) and logs your progress. You can create more than one profile.in case you want to use the program for more exercises than bench press.